Blogging is a curious activity for an author. You’d think it would be natural for a writer to write a blog.
Not so.
It falls under the grisly heading of “self-promotion,” which stands just inches away from “I’d rather stick needles in my eyes” (for me, at least.) But if it helps reach readers and entertains you along the way, then let’s take the plunge together. And let’s make it fun and addictive for you to read.
You’ll be seeing regular posts on a bunch of topics, from my life as an author, to curiosities about my characters, to some of my all-time favorite French phrases and customs, to a private investigation program I’ll be taking this fall. Joyce Simons, PI. That’ll be me, and not because I want to root around in people’s scandalous business. Well, not entirely. It’s good training ground for writers of mystery novels, or so I’m told. (More about that in an upcoming post.)
But I’d like to start by thanking everyone who visits this blog, takes the time to read it, bookmarks it, shares it, or comments on it.
And because the idea of “it’s all about me” is kind of true, but is equally cringe-worthy, I plan to end each blog post with a shout-out to someone who I admire and who has helped me along this journey. And what better person to start with than another author, who I’ve only had the pleasure to meet over email to date, and whose book Writing and Selling Your Mystery Novel helped me transform Chapter 1 of my manuscript from a bit of a hot mess to an opening that passed muster with my editor? Thank you, Hallie Ephron! I look forward to meeting you later this year!